Sunday, November 12, 2017

Random thoughts ...

Random things you may not know about me. When I was going to college, it was to be an art or French major. I chose French! B.S. E. D. I wanted to work in the travel industry...didn't happen. I am not a paperwork kind of person (did that for years). I think I would have been great at advertising or some other art related industry. I studied abroad and loved it... missed my then boyfriend though and we know what happened there. Went for a summer right after high school (before any boyfriends) and did not want to come home. If there is a museum, I will find it! I am a city girl at heart. I left a piece of my heart in Paris where I did not miss having a car. I'd live in Europe in a heartbeat! They know how to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee! Unless times have changed, I never saw anyone walking with a beverage in hand. I enjoy history, geography, and languages. Europe def helps with the language study, but I still keep up with my French. I wanted to go to the Cordon Bleu when I was there, but too many other studies at the time. I want to take cooking classes in Ireland, France, Italy, and Switzerland (you know chocolate). Not giving up on that dream. No vision in one eye and not so great vision in the other, yet photography is one of my passions. Math calculations, distance, involved in photography... go above my head. I cook to relax. I probably have a few hundred (at least) cookbooks and I use most of them. The whistle of a tea kettle lets me know that a time of peace is just as close as that comfy chair and warm mug. I do not like anchovies, liver or blue cheese. I love to learn. I study French a few times a week and a smattering of Greek. I want to have a conversation one day with my dad other than "what time is it?" in Greek. I know several phrases and could be polite and eat just fine. All I have to say is "my name is Papanicolopoulos" and I'm already "in". I want to see where my grandfather lived in Cyprus. I have already visited where my paternal grandfather was born in Greece. I collect Eiffel Towers. I have such a huge Greek family that I don't think anyone has ever counted us all, yet we don't see each other often. I was the third child with two older brothers. I weighed 2# at birth and lost weight. Glad to be here. I play chess and watch more football than most guys I know.
I read non fiction books. Fascinated by the Middle East, North Korea, and memoirs. My faith keeps me strong. I am smarter than I think (my dad told me that the other day). I'm happy not dating (don't even ask). As I approach 60, I am trying to get out of my comfort zone more and more. 4 mini salsa lessons DONE for this person who has zero rhythm (2 x 4 in 4 inch heels... enjoy the visual). I like to Greek dance though. The music at the Greek church touches my heart. I could fly in a plane or helicopter every day. The smaller the better! Hint: if you are in a small plane and hear a beep, beep, beep.. you are probably going into a stall. LOL I did not inherit my dad's affinity for math...hence pilot idea shot to hell in a hand basket...not to mention my vision. I had cataract surgery in my 30s. I have been legally blind ergo cataract surgery in my 30s. It was the most frightening time of my life. I do not drink alcohol but I will cook with it. It affected me personally and I have seen it destroy many people and families. If you are in recovery, God bless you for your courage and perseverance. Back to positive stuff.... I have a quirky, warped sense of humor and I promise you if anything can have a double entendre meaning, I will pick up on it quickly. My dad is my ROCK in life even when we don't see "eye to eye". Are you still reading? Wow! I have worked with people who I consider family. My sons may just be the reason I was put on this earth. They are amazing and there is no mom who is more proud. The apron strings are cut and they live their own lives with their jobs and "families". I miss my little Buddy. My house is too big. I am a perfectionist with the salary of a "realist". Money does buy happiness. HAHA... oh to be miserable in a Parisian apartment with a porsche 911 and a private plane. I should have written this in a blog. I like to write and have many journals. I am a sentimental person who still holds on to things. Friends ARE Family. I laugh every day even when I feel like there is nothing funny going on in life. Some days, I am most grateful for holding on to that mustard seed size of faith! I don't like to go to the same restaurant of visit the same vacation spots... Paris is the exception because like Hemingway said, "“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” If you are still reading.... I LOVE YOU! You are truly interested. Merci, Thank you, Danke, Efharistoh (yeah... Greek).

Saturday, April 1, 2017


A friend gave me a cookbook of Colombian recipes.  She is from Colombia and the book is in Spanish.  I also received my Scottish and Czech/Slovak cookbooks in the mail yesterday.  So exciting for me.

April 1

I learned that two of my very dear friends turned the same age today.  I knew their birth dates but not the hear.

April 2

I had a new dryer delivered today.  The delivery guys were the same ones that delivered my stove a few years ago.  Very friendly young men.  Of course, my dryer is on the second floor.  Why they don't just put them in a space off of the garage is beyond me.  Much easier if there is a malfunction with washer, etc.....

April 3

Did not leave the house today.  I made 5 cards for students at school to wish them luck during exams.  As a staff, we do this for all 3, 4, and 5th grade students.  I made "good luck" bookmarks in lieu of cards.  Laminated them too.  It is nice to do a simple thing that may just make someone's day.

April 6

Today, my beloved pet Buddy crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Brad, David, and I were with him as he passed peacefully to romp freely with his old mates, Sandy, Cassie, Coco, and of course our sweet Abby.  He was my southern dog who loved watermelon, cheese (which we had to spell so he wouldn't get excited), bacon and chicken.  Though he was on a special diet, he had not eaten anything.  I gave him some chicken before taking him to the vet.  I did not know this would be the day he was finally released from the pain the tumors may have been causing him.  He was my sweet companion for almost 15 years.  I am comforted in knowing that he was welcomed.  I truly feel that my mom was there to give him a few pats on the head too.  I had to go to an appointment as I had an eye infection that needed a recheck.  I would have cancelled any other appt but not eyes.  Anyway, in the waiting room classical music was playing.... the two songs my mom played on the piano were the songs that I heard before called to see the doctor.  There are no coincidences in life.

April 7

Spent the day processing the empty house.  No little head raising up to look me in the eyes.  He had gotten where he would not even get up to greet me.  I think he was just that tired. He was kissed, patted, and gently caressed as he made a peaceful transition to the heavens.  I have other neighbor dogs that I can offer a lot of love

David, Bebe, and the boys came over for dinner.  They actually brought everything over to prepare dinner here.  We had delicious steak and shrimp tacos.  So very thoughtful of them to comfort all of us with togetherness and a meal.

April 8

Today I read.  I had a lovely visit with Teresa. She brought me a lovely card (which I will frame) and beautiful tulips.

April 9

Going to do a photo shoot of some of my neighbors playing tennis. I've never shot a tennis game before.  It should be fun and interesting.

April 14

Spent the day with Teresa. We ran errands and cooked together before going to a friend's house.  It was so nice to reconnect with neighbors I have known for 20 + years but don't see often.  She made a strawberry 'pizza" that was absolutely delicious.

April 15

Easter Sunday.  I wasn't really planning anything today.  My cousin called last night and asked me to come to their house for a bit to see my dad and aunts.  For the first time in many many years, I did not make Greek Easter cookies.  Hope to get back in the "swing of life" soon.  My 59 birthday is this coming week.  I feel like I am just getting older and older.  UGH

April 16


April 17

Unsure what my placement will be for next year.  Trying to keep positive

April 18

Reading is my escape to other worlds, times, and places.

April 19

Nothing exciting today.  I am depressed over Buddy and other issues

April 20

I am 59. Lovely day at work despite feeling sad mainly about my precious dog. Pound cake, cannoli, chocolate dipped fruit, and chik fil a.  What a perfect menu for me

April 21

Had a laugh in the parking lot with a coworker as I had my shirt on backwards.  We have many with huge emblems on the front. This newest shirt had it on the back.  It did not help that I was awake until after 1am. Wondering what to read to a particular student.

April 22

Had a nice lunch with my neighbor Pam.  We chatted, laughed about our once a month "exercise routine" of walking.  We at least made an attempt.  Beautiful flowers and a singing card.

Went with Teresa and David to Muddbuggs music and food festival in Duluth.  We opted to eat Mexican food in lieu of the crawfish.

Watched the Britcom "Miranda" which always makes me laugh

April 23

I wrote thank you notes by hand.  It is not a lost art with me even though we have computers and texting.  I do need more stamps though.

Raining all day.... glad I am at home with my cup of tea and books.

Monday, March 6, 2017

We are all unique

Monday...  New student in our class today.   Every one is unique and special in our wonderful world.  The sparkle in the eyes, the grins, the laughs, and individuality of us all. We are all made in His care. I have my faults, my quirks, my health issues, but thankful every day for the positive events in my life.

Received a nice note for the dinner our group made for a coworker.

Tuesday:  Grateful for my coworkers.  Finished a great book tonight, 40 Autumns.  I love books that make me think.

Saturday:  I find it quite difficult to write every day.  My job keeps me in a fairly routine schedule.  I do have the weekends to perhaps learn something new.  I am always learning about the world and history with the books that I read.

I did open the door at a coffee shop for a lady that had her hands full.  She was very appreciative and said she had noticed my "beautiful hair".  I did send my hair stylist a note thanking her for the great job she does.


Took Buddy to groom.  He has some growths.  I am very upset. Blood work and other test done.  The vet called me this evening just to see how WE were doing.


Enjoyed having a sub in Leigh's class.  We love it when substitute teachers keep coming back to our classes.  They really get to know the children.


It is really quite difficult to write every day as so many of my days are mundane and status quo.  I have been quite upset recently with the effects of aging on my sweet dog of almost 15 years.

Last night, I went to see a play called The Foreigner.  It was quite good and funny.  Some parts were not what I expected, but it is the unexpected in life that makes it most interesting.  Two of my neighbors were in the play which made it just wonderful.  So neat to see a father, son, and mother all share the acting bug.

Also enjoyed a Cuban meal with Teresa and Sonja.  The new thing that I did try was friend yucca.  It was like fried coated mashed potato sticks.  Always nice to try a new food.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Flower store

I went with a friend to a garden center.  Not quite time to plant flowers, but I did see some that I had never seen before.  Over the years, with bunnies and deer eating my flower buffet, I have cut down on the amount I plant in my yard.  On the other hand, I will keep flowers on my deck and front entry.  I can't wait to plant some spring flowers.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Ponce City Market

Saturday:  Went to Ponce City Market today.  It is a refurbished old Sears building in Atlanta.  They have kept so much of the old building as well as part of the train tracks that used to bring items there. It was very interesting.  The rooftop was a fun place to look at the view of the city.  Since I love people watching, it was a great place to see people being tourist, riding bikes, playing games, etc... visited a few interesting shops nearby.  Took my friend to Bagel Palace for lunch.  It was near where I grew up in Atlanta.  She had never been there.  Great Reuben sandwiches.

Friday, March 3, 2017

A Random Gift for ME!

March 3, 2017

Today is the birthday of a friend of mine at work.  I wanted to get her a little something for her birthday.  As I love photography, I thought a small photo that reminded me of her would be nice.  She is a southern belle just like me.  I remembered that I had a photo of Lady and sons sign in Savannah, GA.  How appropriate for her.  She is a southern lady, and has a son, loves southern food and the south.  When I give a photo as a gift, it is truly a gift from my heart.  It doesn't matter to me if you keep it in a frame, put it in a scrapbook, post it in a journal, or put it in a special box of treasured photos.  Just know that this gift came from my heart as it reminded me somehow of the recipient.  Imagine my surprise when my coworker came with something for me in our mailbox.  An unexpected gift of a sweet book and chocolates.  What a sweet "thank you" from my friend!  My heart literally filled with joy as it's not a special day for me, but just a Friday.  The gift made the day a super special one that warmed my heart.  

Saturday, February 25, 2017

2/25/17 to 3/2/2017 but I was a French major

Day 4:  I was a French major at the University, but I have always loved the study of languages.  I try and practice and learn a little Spanish for some of the children at school.  A coworker let me borrow one of her Spanish cookbooks.  I just spent about 30 minutes trying to read some of the recipes with my limited Spanish and words that were similar in French.  I did copy a recipe to try at a later time as tonight I'm not cooking dinner.

Day 5:  I returned the Spanish cookbook to my coworker from Mexico.  I also gave her a Mediterranean cookbook so that she can practice her English.

Day 6:  Today I went with a friend to look at beads for her bracelet.  I do not recall seeing Troll beads when I was younger.

Day 7:  Went to Gibbs Gardens and took photos with Teresa.  Took photos of other tourist at the area for them.  Also, something as simple as giving a few extra napkins to the table next to us in lieu of them having to go back to the little cafe area... which was very busy.

Day 8:  Friendly conversation with the cashier at my local grocery store.  Talked about my sweet Buddy to cashier.  People almost always ask me about my dog when they see a dog product on
conveyer belt

Day 9;  I took some ginger/lemon herbal tea to some coworkers.  It was the first time I had tried the tea.

Day 10:  This one is a few day out of order, but I was thinking about it on the way home today.  The little kindergarten girl that lives next door, and the little kindergarten boy across the street wait for the bus in my yard.  It has been a bus stop for over 20 years and I am always thrilled to see children waiting for the bus.  They were admiring my daffodils and I told them they could take one to their teacher.  Not sure if they took one, but I am hoping they did.

Day 11:  I have a book on hold at the library and was looking at their events.  There is a free class on the 26th of March of making a dried flower bookmark.  I am going to try and attend.

Today, had a conversation with a friend after work.  It's one of those friendships where you can joke about all kinds of things...and say the EXACT SAME THING AT THE SAME MOMENT!  I love when that happens.